On the other hand, practical common sense ruled that he should cash it with his grocer and thereby make an impression that would later result in an increase of credit. 可另一方面讲求实效的常识却告诉他,还是在他的杂货商那儿兑现的好,那可以给杂货商一个印象,以后可以多赊点帐。
By using artistic methods, the author makes it several faces of different facial expressions in one head, a sense of humor and a sense of dramatic impression. 娃娃一头多面,艺术家以迥异的手法勾绘出多个不同性格的面孔,幽默、轻松而富有戏剧张力。
Impossible to escape the ways in which some fantasy, some prejudice, some unreason, some ignorance, some fear and who knows what else have woven their way into our every feeling and sense impression. 无法逃离一些幻觉,一些偏见,一些非理性,一些物质,一些恐惧,还有,谁知道,一些其他的编织出他们的方式,进入到我们的感觉以及感官印象中。
A strong sense of strength and passion would be viewers'first impression on this sculpture. 饱满的力和热情,是作品给人的直观感受。
Mental impression is the base of music appreciation, that is, there is no music appreciation without a sense impression. 心理感知是欣赏音乐的基础,没有感知便没有音乐欣赏。
By motivating various sense organs of the human body, the experiencing-mode brand management portrays a compound experience from four aspects, namely, recreation, education, escaping reality and appreciation, and leaves a deep impression of brand upon the consumers. 体验式品牌管理通过调动人体的各种感官,从娱乐、教育、逃避现实和审美四个方面来塑造复合体验,从而在消费者心中深深留下品牌的烙印。
"Material Mural" discussed in the paper means such a type that presents aesthetic elements independently, brings about the effects of images through various combined materials and strives for sense of form and a strong visual impression. 本文所讨论的材料壁画是指将材料作为独立的审美要素加以呈现,通过多种材料的结合来完成画面效果,讲究形式感和视觉冲击力的壁画类型。
On the Auditory Sense Impression in Music Aesthetics 谈音乐审美中的听觉感性体验
By clarifying the concept of skills, the article puts forward the objectives in teaching skills in professional college education, analyses and concludes the methodology of teaching and learning sense impression skills, operation skill, intelligence skills and synthetically skills. 在阐明技能内涵的基础上,提出了当前高职技能教学的目标,结合实际分析总结了感知技能、操作技能、心智技能和综合技能的教学方法。
The humanity obtains the sense of direction and the sense of belonging through the impression of the architecture space and the architecture environment, this kind of sense impression relate to the local historical culture and time-space memory system. 人类通过对建筑空间与建筑环境的感性知觉,获得方向感和归属感,这种感性知觉源自于人们对所处的历史文化系统的空间记忆。
Sense of pitch rising to the pitch hearing is the auditory analysis of the process for a pitch in the ears, hearing on the distinction, then the combination of theory and hearing, and finally a comprehensive grasp of the complete impression of the music. 音高感上升到音高听觉是有一个对于音高进行听觉分析的过程。首先是在耳朵、听觉上的区分;然后是理论与听觉上的结合;最后是对于音乐完整印象的全面把握。
In reading a magazine experience and sense of rhythm, a sense of sequence and sense of equilibrium order can adjust the reader form into deep psychological, reading impression. 在阅读杂志的视觉体验中,均衡感、节奏感和秩序感可以调节读者心理,给读者深刻的阅读印象。
Its 'unique small spaces give tourists a complete, clear, profound sense impression. 其特有的狭小空间地域能给游客带来完整、鲜明、深刻的感知印象。